Friday, June 11, 2010

Double the Pleasure, Double the Fun...

....double the diapers, wipes, car seats, nightly awakenings....and about half the sleep. But it's totally worth it!!! Alex Carter joined our family on April 20th, and came into the world much more "quietly" than his sister. It was a surprisingly relaxing delivery, and Alex's personality is following that pattern.

From 2010-06-11

With "two under two" we have a very busy household now. We spend a lot of time trying to rein-in/redirect Grace's enthusiasm for her baby brother. Any time Alex makes a peep she says "Paci" and quickly tries to put his pacifier in his mouth, by any means necessary! She really likes to hold his hand (with a death grip), but her favorite thing is giving him kisses which would usually result in her falling/sitting on him if Mom's hand weren't constantly on guard.

From 2010-06-06

Last week we loaded up the truck and made the 600+ mile drive back to the ranch for the annual cattle sale. It was WONDERFUL to be back and we all survived the traveling (we'll leave it at that). The entire Effertz clan was back for the sale, and it was wonderful to see everyone. Alex met his Effertz family, and I think he was impressed. He was especially taken by his aunties. He spent hours staring into Abbey, Amanda, and Sarah's eyes!

Of course Grace and Anna had a great time playing together, too! Grandpa Neil built a sand-pile and tire swing for the girls and they spent hours playing there. As a result, a very brave Grandma Jan gave the girls a bath (more splashing than I've ever seen). Thank you Grandpa and Grandma!

From 2010-06-06

From 2010-06-06

There are LOTS of pictures in our album, so feel free to click on one of these photos to see more.

From 2010-06-06

1 comment:

  1. Love the tubby pictures. I have pictures of Lucas, Lane, Neely and I in the tub together. And Alex looks so grown up! I can't believe he's almost 2 months old!
