Monday, January 26, 2009

Visitors From the North

This weekend Miss Grace had the privilege of meeting her first aunt and uncle from Mom's side of the family. Uncle Cary and Auntie Amanda fought through windy weather and late night driving to come down for the weekend.

From Grace

We had a low-key weekend of studying, sleeping, eating, movie watching, and diaper changing. Amanda had a take-home test and Cary was studying for his three finals on Monday morning. We were very lucky to have them come.

As you can see from the picture, Gracie fell in love with Amanda right away. They had some great snuggle time and gave Mommy a enough of a break to do the dishes, a little laundry and even take a shower!

From Grace

Uncle Cary taught Gracie a new pose to add to her collection. It's her "I mean business" face.

From Grace

From Grace

We are thrilled that Cary and Amanda were able to visit and can't wait to see them again. Grace and I are planning a trip back to Bismarck in February to meet more of the family. We are VERY excited!!

From Grace

(I've posted some new pictures on the web album, too. Just click on one the photos here and it should take you to the rest of my album.)

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