Well it's day two and we have experienced an evening of baby and sleep. It wasn't as bad as I thought.... although our nurse did tell us that she(the nurse) won't be coming home with us, bummer! All the nurses here are amazing and the facility is great. Grace is having a lovely time, but can't wait to get home and meet the dogs... we have told her so much about them. Good thing she gets to meet them tomorrow. She has lots of new
friends in the nursery and
Kate and I have taken advantage of that to get some much needed
Grace was excited to see that it was snowing outside. We opened the window shades up in our room and held her so that she could see the beautiful morning snowfall. Not only was Grace excited to see the snowfall, but she was elated when her Grandma Jan walked through the door. Jan had perfect timing to meet Grace just as she had finished nursing and was wide awake.
Late last night Grace was able to meet her other grandma as well. My mother,
sister and brother-in-law got to stop into our room very briefly. Kate had Grace at 7:23 and we had a brief window of opportunity to have visitors from 9:10 to 9:25. We almost had to bar the door to keep the nurses out and finally Melissa (the 2nd delivery nurse) announced, "ok Kate it's time to get you all cleaned up and your first trip to the bathroom." Rose, Lane, and Kirt took the cue and made their exit, although absolutely not happily.
Grace got to have some great cuddle time with Grandma before her next visitor knocked on the door. Uncle Tim was able to brave the snowstorm to to bring Grace her very first toy (a really cute plush puppy) and also get in his own cuddle time with our little one.
Uncle Tim was so excited to see Grace for the first time..... he even declared that he was happy to have another Bielfelt baby to take to all sorts of neat shows. I can only remember a few of the
concerts and
events that he took me to, but I'm sure they were unforgettable for him. Don't worry Tim I'll gladly
buy the tickets and popcorn for you. The best part about having Tim stop in to visit us is that he is a
Lutheran Pastor (actually most of you know that.... he married us as well) in Huxley, IA. Tim gave us the best present of all by saying a prayer of blessing for our new family.
We are headed home soon and will update everyone with new stories and pictures soon. Grace is especially excited to meet her new
Uncle Bill. She has heard so many stories already and can't wait to get home.
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